NORTHLINK FISCAL & CAPITAL SERVICES LIMITED RESOLVED that a wing of Constructions activities has to start with the name & style as Northlink Construction. The main motto & object of this wing is to construct the Building of Commercial, Residential and Homes . The company is to provide at lease 1000 nos. of Homes Consist of one Bed or Two Bed Room, on rent or lease only to Bearcats, Offices , Working Men or women and decent families . The Homes Complex shall be constructed in different Parts of the Metro City of Ludhiana. As a trial & sample proposition and after wards to extend this scheme to other cities of Punjab & Haryana.
Aims & objects of NORTHLINK FISCAL & CAPITAL SERVICES LIMITED are to Construct Commercial Buildings, Malls and others Social Institution and to sell to our clients under our detailed network of class customers . This wing has already engaged a team of architect contractors Draftsmen and Planning officers to check and inspect the construction work to achieve our aims and objects of the company.